Medical Programs
Primary Care
Primary Care at Lestonnac works to provide a medical home to the residents of Southern California. Patients who seek primary care at Lestonnac receive yearly checkups that include blood work. These patients receive follow up care to help manage health and any chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. According to our partners at American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), patients who receive regular primary care are less likely to develop serious health issues, require less hospital or ER visits, and spend less money on healthcare.
Specialty Care
This program provides 23 specialty health care services to uninsured residents at no cost. The top 3 specialties are Acupuncture, Hematology and Oncology, and Cardiology.
Specialties: Acupuncture, Cardiology, Chiropractic, Dermatology, Diagnostic Imaging, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology & Oncology, Infectious Disease, Nephrology, Neurology, Gynecology, Orthopedics, Otolarygnology, Pain Medicine, Podiatry, Psychiatry, Pulmonary Disease, Rheumatology, Traditional Naturopathy, Urology.
If you are a California licensed specialist who would like to volunteer with us, visit our informational page.
2019 Primary and Specialty Care Statistics
Primary Patients
Primary Visits
Specialty Patients
Specialty Visits
Mobile Unit
Lestonnac provides medical services via a mobile medical clinic in Riverside County. The mobile clinic operates two days per week for 6 hours each day. We partner with churches, community service organizations, and other non-profit organizations to support areas of greatest need. We understand that a great barrier to healthcare is proximity to the patient. This mobile clinic allows patients across the Riverside county better access to affordable healthcare in their area.
Mobile Telemedicine
The program utilizes portable diagnostic equipment which allows a patient to receive a medical visit in their home, an outdoor setting, or in a mobile clinic. This equipment includes two monitors and workstations to improve the patient assessment experience and provides a secure video connection between the physician and the patient. The equipment provides all medical device data in real-time as it is being taken. With this equipment, Lestonnac Free Clinic can provide a critical service to uninsured individuals who may choose to forego healthcare due to COVID-19 fear, transportation limitations, or inability to travel to see a specialist.
Health Fairs
Health and dental fairs are held regularly all over Southern California to provide uninsured and low-income residents access to medical and dental services. Medical fairs provide residents with referrals to specialty care, blood sugar checks, GYN services, and vision services. At dental fairs, dentists provide free fillings, extractions, and cleanings. On average, health fairs allow us to provide over 1,500 people medical and dental care! View our Events Calendar to view upcoming health fair dates.
Surgery Days
The Surgery Day program provides uninsured and low-income residents access to much needed surgical procedures, at no cost. Surgery Days are offered monthly at the Beverly Hills Surgery Center in connection with our partners at ALAPIO. The surgeries performed include hernia repairs, endoscopies, lipoma removals, and hydrocele repairs. In 2019 alone, 41 Lestonnac patients received free surgeries!
Emergency Department Follow-Ups
The goal of this program is to provided follow-up care to patients when they are discharged from a hospital’s emergency department (ED). A formal referral relationship with the ED enables patients to establish a medical home at Lestonnac, where they can receive timely preventive and primary care services, in an effort to reduce their reliance on the ED. By eliminating dependence on EDs to treat non-emergent and chronic conditions and instead establishing relationships with primary care providers, patients can better manage their health and improve their long term outcomes. In 2020, this program provided 178 ED follow-up patients with 618 visits.
HIV Testing
Started in 2020, this program provides rapid HIV testing to patients free of charge. Staff is able to administer the test and provide the patient with results within 15 minutes. This allows for patients to be immediately referred to community partners and the county in order to confirm results and provide the patient with resources and treatment. During it’s first six months, 242 patients were provided access to this invaluable testing!
Mental Health
Our mental health services provide access to both Marriage and Family Therapy and Psychiatry. All patients are screened bi-annually to ensure immediate assistance is provided to patients in need.
On a weekly basis, pharmacists and pharmacy students provide patients with simple medication refill visits. This reduces stress on the primary care physician’s schedule, allowing them to see new patients. Pharmacist and primary care provider work collaboratively to help the patient manage their chronic conditions.